Privacy Policy

Protecting your privacy

Johnson Property Group (being Johnson Property Group Pty Ltd and its related bodies corporate) is committed to complying with its obligations under the Privacy Act 1988. This policy outlines how we manage the collection, use and disclosure of personal information.

What personal information do we collect and why do we need it?

To enable us to:

(a) provide property services and information to our customers;

(b) operate our website; and

(c) conduct our business operations, we need to collect personal information from:

(a) our customers; and

(b) third parties whose information appears on our website.

How do we collect the personal information?

We collect the information in person, in writing, by telephone, through our website and by other electronic communication channels. We collect this information through our staff and through our contracted agents and other service providers.

Who will see or have access to your personal information?

Unless we are required to provide your personal information to others by law, by court order or to investigate suspected fraud or other unlawful activity, your information will only be seen or used by persons working in or for Johnson Property Group and those third parties to whom we disclose the information so that they can provide you with details of products and services that may be of interest to you.

Johnson Property Group people will include our own and our contract staff, sales agents, marketing people, insurers, funders and other advisers.

This website provides general information about Johnson Property Group Pty Ltd (ABN 58 102 465 814) and its services and third party individuals and organisations. This website does not constitute the provision of professional advice by Johnson Property Group.

Access and use of this website is subject to these terms. By accessing or using this website, you agree to be bound by these terms.


The information in this website has been provided for the sole purpose of assisting potential buyers of land in respect to Watagan Park. It includes information prepared by various consultants on behalf of Johnson Property Group including architects, engineers and property consultants. Johnson Property Group have not independently verified this information nor have we formed any opinion as to its accuracy. We recommend potential buyers make their own investigations and enquiries and investigations and they not rely upon representations or conducts of (whether expressed or implied, oral or written) Johnson Property Group or any of their representatives. The project and proposals outlined in this document are subject to Council approval.